Hemraj Rice Bran Oil

Winterised Rice Bran Oil

Winterization of oil is a process that uses a solvent and cold temperatures to separate lipids and other desired oil compounds from waxes. Winterization is a type of fractionation (also known as fractionate crystallization), the general process of separating the triglycerides found in fats and oils, using the difference in their melting points, solubility, and volatility.

Non Winterised Rice Bran Oil

Non Winterization of oil is a process that uses a solvent and Hot temperatures to separate lipids and other desired oil compounds from waxes. Non Winterization is a type of fractionation (also known as fractionate crystallization), the general process of separating the triglycerides found in fats and oils, using the difference in their melting points, solubility, and volatility.

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PHONE : +91 332229 8038 / 4064 9316 / 22654742 / 22292340